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  • Writer's pictureFr. Guillermo A. Arboleda

2024 Pledge Campaign

The 20th Sunday after Pentecost

October 15, 2023

My Dear Siblings in Christ,

Over the last year, St. Matthew’s Vestry and Strategic Planning Team have worked with the members of our congregation to develop a 3-year Strategic Plan for 2023-2026. Many of you met our consultant, the Rev. Bill Cruse, heard him preach, participated in meetings, and worked with us to begin implementing our earliest findings. Some common themes rose to the surface: (1) Rebuilding our children’s and youth ministries; (2) Growing relationships among church members; (3) Organizing more service ministries to the wider community; (4) Re-committing to support St. Matthew’s Day Care; and (5) Caring for our historic building and grounds.

Following KI’s Holy Currencies model, in order to improve our relationships, time and place, money, and wellness, we need to grow in gracious leadership. That is why our new mission statement is “to grow and glow in grace as we work to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.” Our plan focuses on raising up more leaders from St. Matthew’s, identifying the places where the Holy Spirit is already at work in your lives, and giving you tools you need to spread grace and shine Jesus’ light! (See the complete Strategic Plan here.)

As our leaders look ahead to 2024, we are also entering some unprecedented financial challenges. After three years, there is no more grant funding available from the Diocese for my and our Racial Justice work. We are investing more heavily in administrative staff. Our health insurance and property & liability insurance costs are rising sharply. In 2024, we will be forced to make some really difficult decisions in our operating budget, which may include reducing my status from full-time to part-time.

All that change might sound scary, but it is also an invitation from God for all of us to be a part of the solution. Enclosed you will find a 2024 Pledge form and your latest 2023 Giving Statement (Q3: January 1 – September 30). The Pledge has been redesigned to reflect our Strategic Plan priorities. In 2024, we will all need to do what we can for the sake of St. Matthew’s future, which may mean giving more time, more energy, more talent, and/or more money. Please consider increasing your pledge to our church’s operating budget and striving for the biblical standard of the tithe (i.e., giving 10% or more of your income).

Paper copies of 2024 Pledges may be returned to the church by mail or drop off. Pledges may also be completed online at: Please submit all pledges by Sunday, November 19, 2023, Pledge Blessing & Thanksgiving Sunday. Finally, please join us for worship every Sunday at 9:30 AM (and invite your friends and family) in-person or online on Facebook (!

Your Servants in Christ,

Fr. Guillermo A. Arboleda & St. Matthew’s Vestry

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